Case Study: Clutch Achieves 950,000km Service Free

November 28, 2018

Aim of Trial

The aim of the trial was to test the Horton RCV250 Dual Speed viscous fan clutch and fan, and determine the benefits that the fully enclosed the RCV250 Dual Speed fan clutch offers, i.e. less engagements due to dualspeed operation, no wear items and/or maintenance, longer belt life due to smoother viscous engagements.

Regal Transport

Regal Transport are a trucking and transport company based in Hazelmere, Perth and service towns such as Broome, Karratha and Port Headland. They run a fleet of over 100 trucks where typical loads involved 4 trailers and up to 240 tonne. Enduring some of the harshest conditions in Australia, they wished to improve reliability, reduce service frequency and additional wear and tear on cooling equipment.

Any reduction in vehicle downtime saves money. Peter Quick, Workshop Manager from Regal transport agrees:

“To have a truck go for over 950,000km and nearly 4 years with no service or maintenance required on the fan clutch is a huge advantage to our business. This has been the most successful product trial we have been involved with.”

Trial Truck and Fan Clutch Specs

Make & Model Fitted & On Road Fan Clutch Fan
Truck 1 Western Star 4900,
December 2013 RCV250 Dual Speed 1.2:1
11 Blade
Truck 2 Western Star 4900,
December 2013 RCV250 Dual Speed 1.2:1
 11 Blade

Horton RCV250 Viscous Dual Speed

Horton RCV250 Viscous Dual Speed Installed on Western Star 4900

How does the Horton RCV250 Dual Speed Fan Clutch Work?

The Horton RCV250 is a completely enclosed viscous fan clutch which is electronically controlled by the Detroit DD15 ECM to maintain the optimum engine temperature. The electric signal opens a valve which allows viscous fluid to enter the working area which generates torque to drive the fan. The Dual Speed has two speed settings: low (~400-500fRPM) and fully engaged speed.

The low speed works with of a small quantity of viscous fluid constantly supplied in the working area at all times.

The fully engaged speed supplies all the viscous fluid to the working area. Due to the viscous drive of the clutch there will always be a slight amount of slip when fully engaged.

Trial results

Distance Traveled End of Trial Fan Clutch Status Truck Status
Truck 1 ~960,000km September 2017
(3yrs 9mths)
No Maintenance Required
Clutch Still Working
Truck Sold
Truck 2 ~800,000km June 2017 (3 YRS 6MTHS) Working,
No Maintenance Required
Engine Rebuild
Clutch Removed for Analysis

More information

For more information feel free to contact us on how we can pass these savings on to you.

We currently have models to suit:

  • Western Star Detroit DD15
  • Western Star Cummins ISX
  • Freghtliner Argosy Cummins ISX
  • Freghtliner Argosy Detroit DD15
  • Freghtliner Coronado Detroit DD15
  • Kenworth K200 Cummins ISX